
Sensual // Sensory


Guidance: Make it more sensual.

Assignment: Today you must shoot a single subject using multiple exposures (a series of 6), using a novelty or vintage lens (otherwise pick your fastest glass) and your favorite camera.


With my huge vintage lens collection, it wasn’t the choosing of the gear that proved tricky for this assignment. It wasn’t the fact that I should shoot a series of 6 images of the same subject matter. What proved to be the real challenge here was sticking to the guidance.

Sensual does not equal sexual. It does not have to be. I thought it had to be. But I chose not to.

I chose the senses.

But how do you go about that with only 5 of them around.

I will leave the 6th up for interpretation. I know what it is to me. Do you know what it is to you?

Shot on the Fujifilm X-Pro2 using a 1971 Minolta Rokkor 58mm f/1.2 and a 12mm extension tube.